October 1, 2009

October - The stuff you wouldn't want your parents to read...month

Some of you may know that October is not only the month to celebrate the fun dress up holiday of Halloween but also the month where people get to enjoy the "O" factor.

Now, I won't be talking about my sex life this month because I'd like for my parents to continue reading this blog because I'll still have updates about the Bambino. BUT I will be writing about my dating life or my soon-to-be dating life or perhaps lack there of.

The great thing is I won't be doing this alone. My new internet buddy, Melysa of Melysa Speaks, will be joining me on this......discovery of dating as a single mama. So we'll be tag teaming but in a healthy and non-sexual way. Well, I can't speak for her. Anyway, she's a brave soul.

One MAJOR important thing to remember is that my posts this month will not be anything like Sex and the City because a) I won't be writing about my sex life, b) I don't live in the city, and c) I'm not some curly haired, uptight, man-hating, promiscuous woman confused about why he won't call me or kiss me. NONE of that will be happening on this blog.

Why? Because I don't have time to mess around with men who don't want me because I have a son. I may not have time to date often because I have a son. I will not throw myself to any man because I have a son. I don't want to spread my legs open for any man because I have a son. I have to be careful, thoughtful, and somehow open minded about dating a single mama because I have a son. Seriously, I have to be a realist when it comes to dating because I have a son.

Catch my drift?

Having the Bambino isn't the only reason that I won't go SATC on here - it's mostly because I actually love myself. I have to if I'm going to be any kind of decent mother to the Bambino. So it's because I love myself that I'm going to start dating again. Since I love myself I will only be available to a man who is available to me and the Bambino. When the Bambino's father asked me, "What are you going to do about dating? It's going to be hard finding a man who will want a single mother." My immediate response was, "I don't want to date a man who cannot see himself with me." That is because I love myself.

But don't think I'm not realistic about myself - I have my faults and I'm learning and growing everyday. I still have poundage to lose and it's not because I'm insecure or feel fat - it's the cold hard truth. I need to gain some financial independence so that I can feel like a complete provider and mother to the Bambino. Until then I don't think I can really be a sufficient enough romantic partner. I've got a lot to work on but I still think I'm pretty effin' fabulous. So that's why I think it's time to at least getting my foot into the door of the dating world.

Also photos and the man's information will not appear on this blog - I think anonymity should be upheld for whoever decides to take a chance with me.

So again why in the month of October? Well, October is the Orgasm month because many people make their "O" faces when they climax and since October is an "O" month - well there ya go.

I'd say wish me luck but that seems silly so have fun mocking me at my dating attempts! Because I will but in a nice way.

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