September 3, 2009

Songs Played While You Were Baking

Dear Bambino Boy,

While your mama may not know the titles or names of artists of all of her favorite songs but she is still obsessed with music.  You can bet that a song heard will set the tone of your mama's moment.  For example, if "Australia" by The Shins is playing - your mother will be dancing and singing along.  If Fiona Apple's "Limp" is playing - she'll get a hint of angst inside of her. 

When lady mama was pregnant with you she would either blast her stereo or put headphones on her belly so you could listen to what she was listening to - she also hoped you would dance inside the womb to her favorite songs.

Here are some of tracks she'd play for you:

Road to Nowhere - Talking Heads
Thank You For Sending Me an Angel - Talking Heads
Love Song - Sarah Bareilles
Dashboard - Modest Mouse
Whip It - Devo
Svett och Tarar - Snook
100 Days, 100 Nights - Sharon Jones
Chinese Translation - M. Ward
Elephant Gun - Beirut...actually anything Beirut
O Valencia - The Decemberists
Australia - The Shins
Joy - Talib Kweli

And many, many more but we'll start with that.  Mama really loved playing Talking Heads for you - especially "Road to Nowhere," it's just so fun and always put mama in a good mood. 

Your mommy is so excited to introduce you to many new songs and musical artists - dance silly to it - go to music festivals - take you to your first concert - the possibilities are limitless when it comes to music!

Cheers to the music in your ears, mind, and heart.

Mama Lady

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