September 28, 2009

Birthday Month Closing

Dear Bambino,

As your birthday month comes to an end I still reminisce and jump at your brilliant milestone. I don't know if you'll ever realize how happy I am that we've made it this far together - that I've committed my all to you for a whole year. Or that I've been special enough to witness all of your great achievements. And especially to receive such love from you everyday.
All this cheesy thinking can make a mama melt and glee.
I hope I do the same for you. I'm always hoping that you feel all the love that I have for you and that you feel that I'm doing a good job being your mommy.
I know we had some pretty tough times like those first nights back but I blame ill preparedness. You cried and screamed and I did the same back. It was hard to not feel alone the first night out of the hospital. The nurses pampered us so well and the sterilization of the hospital was heaven that being back at home in our little cottage was pure shock factor. But we made it. I knew I loved you and did nothing but stare at you but those times when you cried I felt like such a failure. I wanted to be the ultimate super mommy that didn't have a baby who cried.
But that isn't reality.
You still cry sometimes and are easily frustrated but we get through it with some encouraging words and lots of hugs & kisses. Goodness how you love a good snuggle - please don't change that...I beg you!
Anyway onto the other stuff.
We walk every morning to the car and Aunty Rose's house. You love walking. Sometimes you take a few steps on your own but you get excited a lot and end up face planting - which doesn't phase you at all. In fact, it makes you want to try again. I love how far you've come from having been constantly carried to the independent walker you're becoming.
You're eating so much better with me than you used to. Before you only liked to drink milk with me and only ate foods with Aunty Rose. But now that you're a big boy; a one-year-old you eat the big boy food all - the - time. I love that you have a healthy appetite.
We went cold turkey on your pacifier as soon as your birthday arrived. It seems as though you weren't as dependent on it as I thought you were - THANK GOODNESS! We've set up an actual bedtime routine to help with that of course. Since before I used to place the pacifer in your mouth and off to la-la land you went. Now we actually eat, bathe, drink a bottle while I read to you, brush your teeth, and then in the crib you go. Monday through Saturday you woke up in the middle of the night wanting a bottle but last night you slept the whole night through. You're growing up little man!
That's all for now. I can't believe how much you've grown inside and out little man. Next time we go hiking you probably won't want to be in the hiking carrier and want to go walking - well maybe not the next time but one day. I dread and look forward to that day.

Thanks for letting me witness to your life!

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