October 2, 2009

Weekend sign off

This weekend I plan to do some hefty cleaning around the house - that's Saturday. On Sunday I plan on just having a Bambino & Mama day since we never really get to have those.

I'm packing us a small cooler of treats and necessities and hittin' the road.

The decision came from realizing that we spend everyday and weekend with people. We never have a day for just us - to bond and get to know each other. Sure we have the hours before he goes to bed at night and those moments in the morning when we wake up but I'd like for us to have a day. Just one day. Like in Boston - we would just walked around town or sit at home and snuggle. Hopefully I'll get a chance to take some new photos and clog up this space with pictures galore!!!

So I plan on doing that Sunday. Drive to a spot on the island and stay there for as long as the Bambino can handle. Of course the spot will be a beach but which beach, we don't know yet. Perhaps the lagoons of Ko'olina or the waves near Chinaman's Hat. It's all in the wind.

All I know is that I need to get that house clean (I'm enlisting my brother...I don't think he knows it yet) and get out of the house with just me & the little man.
What are you doing this weekend?

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