October 20, 2009

More smiley factors

First you were in the belly. So it was me plus you in the belly.

And things were good. Very good.Then you came out. And it was you and me (plus I still I have the belly).
And now you are you (well you've always been you but when you're old enough to read this you'll know what I mean). So independent. So spirited and focused. I am convinced that you may be as fiery as Max from "Wild Things" creating a wild rumpus. But I know that you will always, always be a little love bug.
The difference is that you will never have to feel as though you need to create a world out of fury but rather a world from the love within you.
Oh and I'll never send you to your room or bed hungry. That's just cruel.
I love you my independent and wild snuggle bug.
Can you believe you've already been ONE for a month? Crazy stuff Bambino.

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