October 16, 2009

Dating Mission #3 and an update

My 3rd dating mission is to look at what is in front of me.

Growing up I've always thought about what I'll be doing in the future or sometimes I would tangle myself on thoughts of my past. Actually, I still do.

So my goal is to look at what's in front of me at this moment and appreciate it instead of coming up with an escape plan or thinking "if only had I done...."

Maybe then my restless mind can finally find some peace!

Onto other news:

My dates with myself and city were fabulous and hot. And I mean hot in the it's so freaking hot and humid here that I must find air conditioning or else I will melt on the sidewalks of Honolulu. Yeah it was that hot.

So that means I didn't really get a chance to explore the city like I usually do, which is walking until my feet fall off.

Plus I missed the Bambino but he had a great time with Nana Patty.

Also, I forgot my camera but I had my old point and shoot BUT the batteries died after the....9th? picture. The photos that you see on here all the only photos I took that day.

They're from the asian farmer's market I went to next to the Ward Center in Honolulu.

Fake or real? Fake. But still pretty.
Totally fake - you see that barcode and gleam?
A whole section dedicated to pickeled foods. Ga-ross in my mind but yummy for others.
Some asian goodies.
Baby yum yums.
Baby products.
I love that they placed Orchids around the produce. They really beautify the place.
Bamboo shoots! I had never seen them fresh before so this was like finding gold!
There was one interesting baby product that I found. It's placed on the mother's nipple for the nursing baby to suck the milk out of. I couldn't find it on the website but it's a Pigeon baby product. I couldn't get a photo because that's when my batteries died. Bah!
Oh and I bought some squeaky shoes for the Bambino - I'm not sure what he thinks of them but my brother cannot stand them. Ha ha!
Whatelse did I do? Not much else just walked around the Ward Center area did a little shopping and that was that. I did try to read some of my magazines but Borders was totally packed so I ended up reading on the floor in the children's section. That's when I decided that I missed the Bambino and went home.
Little did I know that he was having too much fun with Nana Patty and I wouldn't see him until after his bed time. After all that beachin' and playing - who would want to come home just to go snuggle with his mama and go to bed?
I'm glad we both had a good day.

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