November 27, 2009

We own our own island....

Not really but how great would that be?

So I know that some of my friends and family don't enjoy reading some of the jazz I post on here and that is totally understandable and fine.


I've got a place for just the updates of the (almost) daily happenings of the Bambino's and my life. Have you heard of Posterous or Tumblr? No? That's cool. They're just another source for people to blog at, so that's what I'll be doing at those two places. They're my new found loves because I can post a photo or video from my phone so I can really keep my friends and family up to date. Fantastic tools for a social media geek such as myself - I love my job.

Here are the addresses:

Posterous -
Tumblr -

Or simply click HERE or HERE.

So there you go Mom and Dad you no longer have to deal with the jazz on this site you can now enjoy daily photos of your grandson. Woo hoo!!!!! And I don't have to crowd your inbox with attached photos to e-mails. Yay!!!!

That's that. For simple updates and photos of us check out those sites.

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