April 18, 2007

Starfishes & Funk Princesses

Starfishes and Funk Princesses Current mood: crushed Category: Friends
So, I'm having one of those weeks where I don't want to talk with anyone except for my two top people, Starfish and Funk Princess. They're my people. As terrible as "Grey's Anatomy" is the character Christina said it best when she and Burke got engaged...."This is engagment isn't real until I tell Meredith. She's my people."
Some great things have been happening in my life, but they don't seem real because I haven't really been able to tell my people about them. Sure, I have my sister and my cousin but there's nothing like telling your best friend or best friends in my case about the awesome jazz going on in your life.
The reason I haven't been able to share with them is because all three of us are at a crazy busy point in our lives. The new season at the lake is beginning for Starfish, so that means I have 6 months ahead of me of things NOT being real. Then Funk Princess is preparing to leave for China and then France and then back to Seattle....so once again I am disconnected for another 6 months. What the F? It's not like I'm any better with my new life in Boston. You could say I did this to myself by moving away from home. But, I'm freaking dying here people! I mean, it's been soooooooooooo awesome meeting all these different poeple and I enjoy them all a good deal but there's nothing like being with your girlfriends/ your people.
I am not only jealous of couples at the moment but at best friends or groups of friends palling around while I'm walking to Au Bon Pain or sitting on the subway by myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my independence and I cherish my times of solitude but once again, I miss my Starfish and Funk Princess. I miss, being girly and watching Gilmore Girls and pigging out on Chinese food until we burst and roll around on the floor. Or just sitting on the deck or in the studio talking and talking and talking and talking. I miss going to car parks and eating strawberries and bananas, while crticizing people pushing carts (that one's for you Sonia). I miss going to a country bar or walking down the middle of the street and dancing! I freaking miss girl time. I miss, I miss.
How am I supposed to meet all these great guys but not have my girls to talk with about them? I know I'm being repetitive in this blog but I'm freaking serious. I wish I had enough money to hop on a plane with Funk Princess and go with her to France for a bit and then hop on a plane back home to visit Starfish.
But, life is still great! It just feels sucky at this moment. Oh and Kiera, your e-mails about London aren't helping either! You're making miss Europe so freaking much! I just might have to stop everything, rob a bank, buy plane tickets to London, France, China, then back to Washington. That or just really save and then leave for a nice summer trip. Are there any spare bunks in your hostel?
Okay, enough whining for now. I'll send an update later on how things are going in Bahstin.

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